Thursday, December 03, 2009

RIP Bob Keane

Yesterday I mentioned my Bobby Fuller slice was Let Her Dance; turns out that last weak Bob Keane, Bobby Fuller's manager when he died in the backseat of a car under mysterious circumstances (side note - i almost typed "sandwiches" instead of "circumstances" there. Who's with me?) died last week at the age of 87.

Most famously played by Ralphie from The Sopranos in the 1987 classic La Bamba, which I've seen 10000 times, it turns out Keane also "discovered" Sam Cooke. Something, I would think, Keane would insist on being dropped into the movie (maybe in t-shirt form, something, I dunno. I'd have it tattooed to my face. Matter of fact, it would be my face.)

Anyways. Weird timing (death always is.) Almost as weird as however much as I love the movie La Bamba, my favorite onstage part is the awesome version of Buddy Holly's Crying, Hoping, Waiting as played by Marshall Crenshaw as Buddy. Fucking rocks.

1 comment:

SDC said...

I'm really gonna miss 'The Family Circus'.