Saturday, December 05, 2009

Sniffin' Palin's Brother

Apparently Sarah Palin has a brother (GOTTA meet this guy!!) and on her Facebook fan page, she posted something he e-mailed to her about the average American troop. And it's your typical laundry list of how incredible the average troop in the military is, how much he's better than you cause he's selfless in his serving and is protecting yours and my freedom with his bare hands, even as of course someone like me pisses all over the American flag as I'm want to do. Okay, that's fine, let's hear it for the boys, it is what it is, they deserve it. That's cool. But one line jumps out at me:
He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less time in the dark. He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must. 
Really? He has trouble spelling? And writing a simple letter home is "a pain" for him? Because of...spelling? Really? He's way into bullets flying et al, but the thought of having to use some book-learnin' to write maw and paw back home is too much for him? When nobody would be sitting there with a red pen to correct his spelling anyway? Why would this even occur to somebody putting together such a tomé, much less be deemed important enough to add in there, kind of as an aside? Wtf? A strange place to include some sort of subtle book-smart elitist vs. common sense patriot dig. And certainly, I would think, insulting to the very troops he's lauding so heavily. Very strange. People are funny.

1 comment:

SDC said...

Surely he could get a more literate 'troop' to help him write a letter. Unless he's beaten all of them with bars of soap wrapped in blankets.