Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sniffy Wiffy

Sarah Palin is so incredibly divisive* that her comments about WWII veterans has had people backtracking into history and pointing out facts over the now well-worn sentiments we all love to have about The Greatest Generation:
I appreciate all that the Greatest Generation did and fought for (my father was one of them), but let’s not turn them into superheroes of sacrifice straight out of a Marvel comic book.  Remember that the war in Europe raged for over two years while the Greatest Generation sat by and watched. And self-interest was at the heart of it.
I've always wondered why it's not enough for us to be impressed by young men and women who answered their nation's call to duty, but must then lard on layers of them being, as this reader says, "superheroes of sacrifice." Personally, I've gotten off some pretty sweet gems on these pages throughout the years, including

- "I guess he [Tom Brokaw] was too focused on his next book, The Greatest Generation Vol XIX, featuring yet ANOTHER WWII vet who got blown up at Midway, returned home as only a set of eyeballs, married his high school sweetheart, had 9 kids and owned 8 lawnmower stores throughout Tacoma. Rinse, lather, repeat. Grrrr."

- "I’ve been noticing something recently. All my life, it’s always old people from “The Greatest Generation” that have hectored us young kids, pointing their wrinkled, bony fingers at us about no shortcuts!! Nothing is worth doing without hard work! Slow and steady, don’t cut corners!! ...Yet every time I’m at a bodega, there’s 5 of these motherfuckers in line buying 10 lottery tickets each. Wtf?"

- "I also don't need to read about this motherfucker. Christ. Triple amputee, after being raised by a blind mother graduating medical school. Which I couldn't do with 6 arms. Camon. I remember trying to read Brokaw's "The Greatest Generation" but getting tired of chapter after chapter being "...after having both of his legs blown off and his head severed in half, Tom came back to Indiana, married his high school sweetheart and opened 823 lawnmower stores..." fucking christ....My favorite triple amputee? Mama from "What's Happening!!" died a triple amputee. Hey hey...hey?...An interesting thought...if you had to be a triple amputeee, which limb would you keep? Hmm."
Amazingly, it takes Palin opening her fuckable maw (next band name: Fuckable Maw)  to get people to admit to the truth about history. Incredible.

* by "divisive," I am using the Webster's Dictionary definition, "creating dissension or discord," and NOT her own or her fans' definition, "AWESOME!!!!!!!"

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