Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The Speech

Obama's speech and the decision itself to send 30K troops to Afghanistan was just one long tired sigh of resigned nothingness. It's obvious that Republicans don't really care what happens in or to Afghanistan et al as long as they can use whatever happens to politically kill Obama. And Obama and the Democrats know they are helpless to do anything but, as usual, succumb to the whims of the minority party for no real reason other than they are scared to act like the party in power. So we'll just mosey along this spiral for another few years even though nobody really gives a shit about it and would prefer the whole thing just be over and done with, our only hope being either one day abject lethargy finally takes over to the point we can admit it, or someone somewhere else on the globe waves something shiny for us to jump at. And it turns out the Afghans themselves feel the same way.


Anonymous said...

smacks of 'victim' mentality. I am sure Obama would disagree with you on this one.

Xmastime said...

well, if you could read words, youd see my point wasnt whether or not Obama feels one way or the other, but that it doesnt seem to matter. and since youre a fucking idiot and see this as a "victim mentality," I guess youre all for no cost in terms of dollars/bodies/time is too high for a "victory" that wouldnt really mean much to either us or the people we're fighting?

Marley said...

You do cast him as a resigned, "helpless" victim.

This is the dude who said a few months ago, "This is not a war of choice. This is a war of necessity. Those who attacked America on 9/11 are plotting to do so again. If left unchecked, the Taliban insurgency will mean an even larger safe haven from which Al Qaida would plot to kill more Americans. So this is not only a war worth fighting; this is fundamental to the defense of our people."

You should also be nicer to your other commenter.

Xmastime said...

i like to vent on people who fly in under "Anonymous."

Marley said...

You know it's Will.

Xmastime said...

if GodIHateYourForeignPolicy is too much of a pussy to sign his name, fuck him.