Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The Speech

To be honest, I don't know what's more fun - watching jackoffs like Krauthammer squirm while trying to be "frustrated" with Obama's decision even though it's exactly what they've wanted him to do, or watching jackoffs like Krauthammer squirm while trying to be "frustrated" with Obama's decision even though it's exactly what they've wanted him to do while having to acknowledge it's exactly what Obama said he'd do from Day 1 in his presidential campaign, or watching jackoffs like Krauthammer squirm while trying to be "frustrated" with Obama's decision even though it's exactly what they've wanted him to do while having to acknowledge it's exactly what Obama said he'd do from Day 1 in his presidential campaign and then pretending to be frustrated by Obama not outlining his exact troop strategy in Afghanistan since that means they can't pounce on him for revealing military secrets which would therein put the troops in even more harm's way in the name of Obama's favorite thing in the world, ie showing weakness. Even more important, is it even POSSIBLE for a female "journalist" to appear on FOX News without being hot as balls? I mean, how fucking brilliant IS this Ailes motherfucker????!!!

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