Monday, December 14, 2009

"Tell Tony the Cruisers are Here"

And guess who's watching it again, motherscratchers?

I have never bought the soundtrack, but apparently the last track is the mysterious Season in Hell, from the same-titled album that Eddie supposedly took with him to the bottom of the river when he "died." But THIS GUY HERE has the skinny:
The soundtrack culminates with a song not found on the Tender Years record. “A Season in Hell” was to be the title track to the Cruisers’ follow up album. Satin Records (anticipating a “Dark Side” redux no doubt) refused to release it and effectively destroyed the band in the process. Sonically and thematically years ahead of it’s time, “A Season in Hell” was a portent of many things to come in those next few formative years for rock and roll. Backwards tape masking? Hendrix was listening. Lyrical gravity coupled with surrealistic imagery?? Dylan noted it. A controlled chaotic crescendo??? It took the Beatles 3 more years to get there with “A Day in the Life” (note the similarly pre-positioned titles). It was Eddie and the Cruisers’ masterstroke, and the world wouldn’t listen. How many geniuses does that remind you of?
Really? They couldn't have a section of the song where Eddie sings about nihilism and the Queen of England over a distorted guitar? No "Eddie invented country-rock" middle eight, no disco coda? Ha!

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