Friday, December 04, 2009

Watergate 2.0 Make a Sexy Bloggah Wanna Hollah

The right's glee over the recent leaked emails wherein scientists who believed in global warming were shown to be frauds "looking to take over the world" might be a bit tempered now, as that info might have been hacked into and, what do you know, complete bullshit:
These attacks go beyond simple burglary. University of Victoria spokeswoman Patty Pitts told the National Post “there have also been attempts to hack into climate scientists’ computers, as well as incidents in which people impersonated network technicians to try to gain access to campus offices and data.”

For thirty years, defenders of a pollution-based economy have intimidated, smeared, and suppressed climate science, using a playbook perfected by the tobacco industry and Karl Rove. Now — as the United States, led by President Barack Obama, finally appears ready to join the world in the fight against global warming — the opponents of reform are resorting to criminal desperation, harkening back to the paranoia-fueled extremes of Richard Nixon.

Now see, this is why I could be a BIT of a douchebag, but could never go full-on evil. I mean, impersonating technicians? Hacking into computers, smearing, surpressing, and on and on? Ugh. Sounds like a lot of fucking work to me. No thanks.  I mean christ, it seems like it'd be less work to just fucking change the global energy economy, doesn't it? Just like I wrote about being honest, I don't know if it's the BEST policy, but sometimes it sure sounds like the easiest; just reading about all the shit they've done here has fucking exhausted me.

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