Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Win a Date with Xmastime!!

Santa brought me a $25 gift certificate for LOEWS Movie Theaters; to be used for tickets and/or concessions (read: bathtub filled with popcorn.) As I haven't been to a movie theater with a person over three feet tall since the late 80's, I thought this would be a good opportunity to entice a lizzady to sit in the dark with me for two hours. So I am offering a date at the movies with Xmastime to the first woman who writes in to xmastimer@gmail.com stating her case.


1) I am the worst person to go to a movie because I talk pretty much the entire time; both in "riffing" at what's happening onscreen, and then asking you what I missed while "riffing." I'm pretty sure it's exhausting to watch a movie with me.

2) I wouldn't be completely shocked if the old "cut out a hole in bottom of the popcorn, insert dick" ploy made an appearance. Hey, at least I'm being honest.

Ladies, start your emails!!

1 comment:

Gina said...

do you dance at concerts?