Thursday, January 07, 2010

2009 Irony You Couldn't Have Scripted Any Better

Part of why Bush got elected was some absuird sense of "he's a guy I could have a beer with!"  And part of the same peoples' derison re: Obama was "he's some academic elitist, he could never have a beer with someone like me!"  And yet last year Obama LITERALLY sat down and had a beer with "someone like me." Fascinating.


Marley said...

None of them is like you. If you glued them all together, they'd be like half of you.

And you crapweasel, if that little ass-covering, teachable pow-wow wasn't right up your alley for a solid savaging . . . the rich "do you know who I am" professor, the put-upon cop (who got straight A's in advanced diversity!), the effete president, who for all his alleged smarts opened his fat yapper and stuck his size 11 in it . . . and he's such a "regular guy," he needs to bring in his Uncle Joe to schmmoze and achieve racial balance. ha ha ha.

But nooooooo. No funny there.

Gotta' keep givin' the love.

Xmastime said...

"crapweasel" seems a bit non-lauditory. Or am I getting sensitive in my old age?