Tuesday, January 19, 2010

59 Again

Other than the head-smacking "d'oh!"-ness that of all states it could be Massachusetts "killing healthcare," it's a strange place we find ourselves in when having an 18-seat advantage in the US Senate is cause for the majority to feel like it's supposed to give up due to having it's ass kicked, and the minority is celebrating as if it won the titties lottery. I think if at any point in time you asked any member of any party "how'd you like to have a 59-41 advantage in the Senate?", they'd be pretty thrilled to take it. But of course now it's seemingly a referendum to dig Ronald Reagan up from the ground and stick his corpse in the Oval Office to run things. Strange.

Also, if Coakley did win, what do you think the odds of her, after being the one whose election "saved!" healthcare reform, suddenly finds herself balking at reform, getting a peak at how much Blue Dogs like being Blue Dogs and decides to become one herself? I mean, if the Democrats DID pull out this election, they'd still hafta find a way to snatch defeat from the kegels-ripped snatch of victory, right?

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