Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ACORN Dude Gets Busted

Sully here is like a college football coach who, at the end of the day, puts his livelihood in the hands of kids. It is, to say the least, a bit of a gamble.
What's so surprising to me is finding out that, at the end of the day, the Republicans had so blindly put their faith in the hands of a 25 year-old kid; doubling down on his being able to somehow destroy the Democratic Party with a video camera and a coupla inspirational viewings of Borat. SURELY there must've been a scent of "this might end badly"? Just like I'm wary of bringing down Palin by committing to believing in the whims of a 19 year-old, my football coach analogy stays the same. A gamble, at best.

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