Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ah, the Whites.

Obviously when you hear that there is about to be an all-white basketball league, the first thing you think is "wow, the WNBA will no longer be the least-watched basketball league of all time." And then you of course think that the whole thing is probably a joke.

But then, let's be honest, all-white basketball teams have their merits. One thing we've seen as fact is that  once you let black people on basketball teams you forfeit the chance to do things like give people a second chance to finish first,  a reason to not die of alcoholism,  personal and professional redemption,  all while showing the world that a team of scrappy upstarts with no talent or athletic ability can beat a freakishly better team by using the tenets of teamwork, hustle and discipline as long as it's star player goes an entire season without missing a single shot, and, in the meantime, can save an entire town from hanging itself in the shower. So yes, while at first the idea of such a league may sound ridiculous, keep your minds open.

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