Friday, January 08, 2010

Ah Yes. Sweet Victory for Idiots.

I'm not in the business of understanding what goes on in high finance, but this seems strange to me:
In his lawsuit (PDF), Brown states that Goldman Sachs gave out $4.82 billion in bonuses in 2008, despite earnings of only $2.32 billion that year. The lawsuit alleges that the company spent 259 percent of its income in the first quarter of 2009 on compensation.

But I do know that this IS a victory of sorts for the Tea Baggers; their hard-working efforts have taught us the valuable lesson that thanks to parroting an adherence to a "free market" system that has no use for them, not understanding economics along with some thinly-veiled racism can go a long way in making sure that those who have so much get even more; I look forward to watching them turn their attention to making sure Brad Pitt gets a higher class of pussy.

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