Thursday, January 07, 2010

The Best Part of the Whole "SNOOOKI Got Punched!!" Video!!

Not a single dude from The Jersey Shore jumped in to take care of the dude...UNTIL, of course, the cops showed up. Then they did the ol' Italian American Pretend Fight. Awesome.

AFTERwards, they're all like "they gottsta deal with ME!!!! hitting women is bullshit!!!!!"

But of course DURING the fight, each one of them was like "oh, is that the phone ringing? Over there? Gee, Im distracted."

What fucking pussies.

I challenge any member of The Jersey Shore to contact me, I will meet you on any street corner in America, and will beat your ass.  Open invitation - post in the comments, give a time/location, I'll be there. Pussy.

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