Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Blame Game

Yesterday HERE I wrote about the hypocrisy of Republicans bitching about Obama "blaming" Bush for the mess he inherited, and just now Thinkprogress makes the exact same point from the same speech, as well as including Dubyanuts in the "blame game."

The problem isn't that people on the lefty are being petty or bitchy because Bush was awesome and has a ton of money and a big house and they're jealous because of his being right about everything, it's that so far every single "solution" these people come up with the solve the mess is the exact same thing that caused the mess in the first place. So whenever they cry out "tax cuts!  tax cuts!  tax cuts!!" an adult has to patiently explain to them (again) that we tried that, and it was a huge disaster. And you can either say WHICH president actually did that, or we can take your easily bruised feelings into account and pretend it happened because of a magical fairy, or we can even assign Bush some sort of code name, like "Caped Avenger," or "Tiny Dancer." Either way, any demands of a return to stupidity needs to be (repeatedly) pointed out as such.

Apparently, Reagan thought the same thing:
The only alternative being offered to this economic program is a return to the policies that gave us a trillion-dollar debt, runaway inflation, runaway interest rates and unemployment.

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