Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Body Language is Very Important

The folks over at Thinkprogress point out the absurdity of Bill O'Reilly being miffed at not getting an interview with the Haiti telethon peeps despite the fact that he spent the telethon talking to "body language experts" about Sarah Palin's hot body HERE (also, these "body language expertts" always happen to be smoking hot. hmm.)

Of course, I have called out Bill-O on this body language nonsense before, including HERE and HERE. I also remember pointing out Hannity skipping some monumental speech a few years back to show film of sea lions doing sit-ups, but I can't find it, and I am presently 20 minutes into my first "hey, let's see if I can get shitfaced during the day" since me and Op got arrested outside the Bear Bar in November '99. Burp.


rrthur said...

sunday was 11 years ago??? jeez

Xmastime said...

zing!! :)

Kiko Jones said...

Yeah, and after da prez mopped the floor w/the GOPers at their retreat, Hannity did not utter a peep about it on his show, and instead interviewed Newt to see if he's running in 2012. Fair and balanced--yea!