Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cap Doffed

I guess I'm not doing my usual Fred Sanford "hold on Lizabeth, I'm comin!!" hyperventilating over the Scott Brown thing because I feel like, ironically, it is what will actually get healthcare moved through. I mean, the whole thing is too much right now to simply disappear. The Republicans can no longer cry about the Democrats trying to steamroll through a bill just because they have a super-majority (that, what do you know, means nothing), which means they may now have to actually say something other than "no!!" What I don't really know, since the Democrats have acquiesced at every turn, including making it deficit neutral (which doesn't really matter, since Republicans don't actually care about deficits, they just like to use the word to scare people.) Which means, that after all this hullaballoo, and after all the whipping-up of anger all over the land demonizing the bill, the Republicans will at the last minute be seen as swooping in and saving it. And of course pointing out that they're saving thousands of lives, as if that had never been mentioned before. In other words, fucking brilliant.

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