Friday, January 29, 2010


The other day I pointed out the long-standing tradition of a mysterious stranger leaving flowers on Poe's grave to mark his birthday being broken HERE. And then just now on my favorite Yankees blog, I read this creepy story about Thurman Munson's locker:
Normally, no one went near Munson’s locker – not the maids when they vacuumed, not the clubbies when they were doing laundry, not the players when they were looking for somewhere to drop some fan mail or a box of bats. Everyone just stayed away from the shrine.

But sometime in the middle of the 2003 season, a bouquet of flowers appeared one day on the bench in the middle of Munson’s locker. No one knew where the flowers came from. The equipment managers asked around, but no one had any idea. For days, and then weeks, the flowers lay there even as the smell became overwhelming. No one wanted to go in and take them out. It just wasn’t done.

Finally, as the odor became noxious, the flowers were removed by an attendant who literally tip-toed into the locker and grabbed the rotting stems. “It was strange because they just were there one day, and no one admitted to putting them there,” one attendant told me for a story in the Daily News. “And we all knew we should throw them out, but it was like, ‘What do you do? Just go pick them up?’ No one wanted to do it.”
What the fuck? I knew they keep Munson's locker exactly as it was when he was killed, but I had no idea nobody was cleaning the dust off of it. What happened with it when they switched to the new stadium? And, just like with the Poe flowers, will anyone ever find out who did it? And how much more does this shit hit home when taken along with the fact that while I was at my check cashing place large, institutionalized bank wherein I keep my financial portfolio today, the pen I used had an exagerratedly large, goofy, over-sized red flower on the end of it? 

Like. Box of fucking crackers, eh?

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Btw, Baseball Prospectus' take on the 2010 Yankees: 3rd place in the AL East. Not something I can easily dismiss, especially with the shenanigans of late.

Of course, we Yankee fans can be a demanding and irrational lot, many of whom are quite unfamiliar with the virtues of patience. But the loss of both Johnny Damon and Hideki Matsui, key players during the season that led to winning the '09 championship (the latter being the WS MVP), while the organization with the highest payroll in baseball and a reputation for spending whatever it takes for the betterment of the team and reaching the ultimate goal, now talks about staying within their budget (??!!!) and placing their hopes on the likes of Brett Gardner, Randy Winn, Javy Vazquez, and Nick Johnson, has clearly touched a nerve.

However, it's one thing for Yankee fans to be upset with the current off-season signings and developments--to the point of canceling their season tickets--but quite another story when the folks at Baseball Prospectus deem the current roster to be worthy of an AL East 3rd place prediction behind the Rays and the Red Sux. Jeez...

Yeah, I know it's just a prediction, but in the current climate it's not helping much.