Thursday, January 21, 2010

For Chrissake.

via a Sully reader:

The Scott Brown win was enough to wake me up and I hope it was enough to wake up the millions of young Obama supports across the nation who have gotten lazy in the last year.  Give up now?  Are you kidding me?  Now is the time to get fired up.  Now is the time to write letters, make phone calls, and send e-mail.  If we can get a skinny black guy with a middle name of Hussein elected, we can overcome an upset in Massachusetts.
Eggzackly. Since we like to run and panic like little schoolgirls, let's give ourselves until 5pm today to whine and be pathetic, and then get on with getting on. All this faux hysteria is nonsense.


Marley said...

Why bother?

He'll just sell out to the corporate interests in the end to get his second term. He's already subordinated your agenda for his prestige, and he appears to have the backbone of a falafel.

Find a better man, young'ns. This one done rolled you good and his skills are not up to your "passion."

Marley said...

I know, I know . . . you wept when Theo Huxtable was sworn in; it was a new day and "we were the ones we were waiting for" and all that Bobby Kennedy crap.

Time to grow up.

Xmastime said...

really? I think Ive been pretty clear since day one that what i liked was his calm and reason. ive repeatedly snarked on the "hypnotic voodoo" emotional stuff. sorry Charlie, you picked the wrong HBIC.

i mean, he's not Edwards for chrissake.

Marley said...

I'm not talking to you, DoubleStuff. Everyone knows you like him because he's so cool like Morris Thorpe.

I'm talking to the tears-streaming-down-their faces young the Sully reader was addresing .

Xmastime said...

ill be honest. "Doublestuff" always gets me! :)

in his defense, kid's only 24. when i was 24 i ...well, did the same shit i do now, really.

youth votes count too, brah! :)