Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Glory Douché

People are making a huge deal out of Paul Shirley's "fuck Haiti" rant. They bitched about it on The View, Sully posted it, it's everywhere. I'm not a Paul Shirley expert or fan, but all I can remember from the few times I've seen his columns is that he's an ex-basketball player that likes to write about shitty music from the '90s. This would be like Xmastime all of a sudden popping up all over the evening news because someone stumbled upon his ironically bitching at Obama and calling him a n---er. As in, you'd be giving my intellect way too much credit, but I'll sure be happy about the extra millions of hits the site gets every day. Ka-ching!!!!!!!!

Another way to remind ourselves to not take this guy seriously and give him any airtime is that according to Wikipedia he was in one of the stupidest, most offensive fucking movies of all time. Grrrrrr.

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