Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I'm sorry, but this is too good to pass up in it's Tea-baggin' ironic dumbness.
Show me where I am reasonable for your welfare.
I don't owe you or anybody else a damn thing.
Did any of you do my homework in school? no
Did any of you stand a watch for me in the Navy? NO
Did any of you pay my colege loans? NO
Did any of you pay my house note? NO
Did any of you even offer to cut my grass? NO!
SO I don't owe you anything.

Via Facebook. My bold. Awesome. I hope for this guy's sake it was on purpose, and a joke on us.


Anonymous said...

so if he's gonna go up against the dumbasses he's carrying, he best be perfect(sans typo), otherwise 'stfu, donny'?

Xmastime said...

thanks for taking the bait, dumbass.

Anonymous said...
