Wednesday, January 20, 2010


As Matt Yglesias points out HERE, there is simply no good reason healthcare still shouldn't pass. But as I've mentioned over the past two days, the Scott Brown election gives the Democrats MORE of an excuse to not do the bill, it gets them off the hook with a "oh well, whaddya gonna do?" shrug.. I don't know if things have always been this way, but the modus operandi in Congress these days seems to be to tie one's self up in knots so as to be able to blame ennui on procedure/rules etc. Presumably, it has been discovered that this keeps people in office longer. I mean, there's probably a reason someone like me goes berserk about a "majority" somehow meaning 60 votes and not 51, while the people who are actually in the Senate don't seem to mind it at all.


Marley said...

Why is it required that the Democrats remain committed to a bill that is a work in progress, larded up daily with extraneous pay-offs, premised on the absurdist concept that payment for abortion services is sacrosanct while a public option is not, flat-out bribes the unions, and commands thye support of a whopping 36% of the electorate?

Because Matt Yglesias says so?

This is actually an opportunity for Obama to coalesce votes around health care reform proposals that, you know, actually command public support and make those who champion them popular, not pariahs.

To hear you and Yglesias (and the trio of Jonathans - Cohen, Alter and Chait) make this a dick measuring contest is all too much.

Marley said...

Now, breather, put down the hoagie . . . and think.

Why should Blanche Lincoln vote for a bill that you concede is a shit sandwich from a liberal perspective and the majority of her constituents believe is a shit sandwich from the conservative perspective?

Why should she offer herself on that pagan altar? Because you made a boffo comparison of Haiti's earthquake and the thousands who die in our streets, gasping for penicillin? Because a gaggle of internet pundits have made this their Waterloo?

Xmastime said...

im fine with re-jiggering the bill (did you actually get to my line in the other post about being pleased if nothing more than the pre-existing thing gets changed, or did you not get that far, imploding instead into your Pretend Man of the People!! costume with cape?) i am NOT fine with the Democrats using only having 59 votes as an excuse to tank the whole thing. calm down, dude. it will be harder to watch Martin Short play you in your bio-pic if youre hyperventilating all the time. relax.

Marley said...


I thought a failure to pass the whole thing was tantamount to the wholesale murder of 40,000 Americans?

If we just get a few pieces, you're cool with murdering a mere 25,000?

Who cares about such a minor issue as what excuse the Democrats use when we are talking about human lives?

And I am not cool with the racial ("rejiggering") slurs.