Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Inconvenience Truth

Liz Cheney, who recently has been running around trying to Crack the "Why is This Person On Television Talking?" Top 10, said something annoying the other day been chomping at my craw, in talking about her "we need to be scairt more so daddy's vindicated!!!" "ad" for whatever pretend group in DC she works for:
The point of that ad,” she said, “was this notion that you cannot win a war if you’re treating it as sort of an inconvenient sidelight.”

This of course is incredibly frustrating, since while terrorism SHOULD be an inconvenience, as John Kerry so "ohmygodhehatesAmerica!!" said three years ago, Obama has to constantly deal with wars on terrorism because LIZ CHENEY'S FATHER reacted in the exact OPPOSITE way of "inconvenience," and instead went with incredible over-reaction and panic, which has of course led to losing trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, and political morass that now uses such panic for political gain in lieu of trying to get anything else done. I fail to see how Cheey's way was more effective. So yes, if I was Obama, I would be fucking peeved at such an inconvenience, partially caused directly by, of all people in this instance, Liz Cheney's father.

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