Saturday, January 09, 2010

Jersey Shore Notes

1) I can't believe I'm saying this, I never woulda guessed it in the beginning, but Ronnie's prolly my favorite dude. Well, til he does something incredibly stupid.

2) Inexplicably, JWWow morphs from a 1 to a 9 and back to a 1 quicker than any woman ever; you can go frame-by-frame with her and it's like "oh yeah...oh, God!!...ooooohh, I likes....WHAT the-!!!!??..." It's beyond mind-boggling. Also, kudos to her for getting into a fist-fight with some girls less than 24 hours after Snooki got punched in the face. Bonus points for playing the "incredibly pissed off her boyfriend was less than pleased when she told him she had cheated on him, so is now gonna fuck everybody she sees" girl, a now-standard MTV reality show character.
GEORGE: So, attractive one day - not attractive the next?
JERRY: Have you come across this?
GEORGE: Yes, I am familiar with this syndrome -- she's a two-face.
JERRY: (Relating) Like the Batman villain?
GEORGE: (Annoyed) If that helps you..
JERRY: So, if I ask her out again - I don't know who's showing up: The good, the bad, or the ugly.
GEORGE: (Identifying what Jerry said) Clint Eastwood!
JERRY: Yeah.

3)  I can no longer look at The Situation without laughing.  I mean, I hope to god I'm never at a funeral  where he gives the eulogy, cause I'd hafta fucking leave. Also, him saying "the situation" quickly became one of those things you kinda think are urban legend/stereotypy; so now I find myself surprised, thinking "wait...did he REALLY just say 'okay, we got a situation...'???!"


Gina said...

I'm telling you, it would have been much cooler to call this show "Staten Island Gangplank."

Gina said...

never dreamed I'd be older than Betty White is here. I guess everybody gets a turn.