Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jose Cuervo

Sometimes no matter how many years pass and how many times you hear a song, you always go back to that first memory when you heard it for the very first time. Not all songs, but some. I can't hear Brass in Pocket by the Pretenders without thinking of one summer in Skyline Drive when the thing seemed to be on a loop; every time we'd pile into the ol' Impala and turn on the radio, it was on. Same as another summer with Stevie Nicks' Landslide. I jump back to summer 1981. So every single time I hear those songs now I think of those long summer trips. Another is Jose Cuervo by...someone who up until I saw this clip I thought was a dude, actually. No matter how many times I hear it in some fucking bar, usually with Op mute as I'm pointing throughout the rest of the joint "he's a dick, he's a douche, he's a shithead..." and back around again (in my own head, obviously), I always go to that backseat, staring out the window on the way to the mountains. Slice.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Appropriately, the song is as crappy as the particular brand of tequila to which it pays tribute.