Saturday, January 30, 2010

Late Night

I can only get myself so worked up in the whole Leno vs. Conan thing. For one, I'm not of the generation that is so loyal to a late-night host the way people were about Carson. But just as much, I think tv itself has changed these things a lot; simply from looking at the guide that's on the tv I can see which guests are on which show. I mean, as much as I say I like Conan more than Leno (and I do), if I flip to the guide and see that Teri Hatcher and Don Rickles are on Leno, then I'm flipping over to Leno. It's too easy; we don't hafta sit through the host and try to find out who's coming on. And all of this is to say nothing about the fact that these late-night joints have become 90% commercials for movie stars anyway. Why not save a billion dollars a year and simply have a show wherein celebrities come, sit down, and talk about their stupid movies they want us to go see? Bring a friend, bring their sister, talk themselves, whatever; it's the same shit anyways. Yes, I'm thrilled to hear about your new puppy, but we both know you're just there to show us how awesome you and your new movie are. And I'm there to see Kim Kardashian's titties, not watch Letterman "parry" with her. BOOM! Xmastime just saved millions!!  Can I take over NBC now?

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