Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Leno vs. Conan

As absurd as the whole thing has played out, I can only work up so much outrage over the fact that a coupla millionaires might hafta rearrange their schedules and egos. And while I'm a big fan of Conan and you couldn't really pay me to watch Leno, I'm not a Leno hater - I don't really care to begrudge him doing what he wants, as I suppose he's earned it. I like the old-school "I'm gonna write 50 jokes today!" style he has. Even though I could go the rest of my life without seeing his show.


In watching him a bit over the last few days because of the whole drama, I am fucking annoyed at his whole "oh, we're the scrappy underdog show that the network is firing!!" schtick. Camon. First of all, that's Conan's schtick, and you fucking know it. That's like the super-international shitty rock band that wants to claim it's some lovable indy. Like these douchebags.

Go back to 11:30, take over the whole channel, I don't give a shit. But the underdog while-stealing-schtick is turning me against you in a fight I didn't really care about ni the first place. Grrr.

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