Saturday, January 23, 2010


I told a tenth-grader today that I'd go to her prom this spring. Now, obviously this will not happen, especially if the state "gets involved." But how funny would it be if some strange sequence of events in some weird universe finds me actually doing that? How fucking funny would that be? Me, surrounded by teenagers, baffling them with stunningly bad, out-of-date advice, and constantly acting shocked at how young they are. "17??? HIM?? Nooooooo!!!! 25! 24??"

Xmas & the Kids. Now THAT would be a reality show.

ps - anyone know the record for oldest dude ever to go to a prom? I mean, somewhere, at some time some 40 year-old with a clip-on tie showed up at the gym with a corsage, right?

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

Bunkie Davis.