Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Riddle.

Earlier today for some reason I was thinking about the whole KSM in NYC thing, and I thuoght that the only real argument against having the trial downtown would be the sheer fucking up of business down there; I can remember when they wanted to film A Time to Kill in Oxford, but all the business on the Square went apeshit cause they'd hafta shut down for a few days, so they moved the filming to Canton.

Now it looks like they're moving the trial out of NYC, which makes sense via the business incovernience it will cause. It should should be done out in Bumfuck. But, of course, the people who live in Bumfuck ("Bumfucks") are the same people that like to sound tough and clamor for war and torture and kicking ass, but fall to pieces at the thought of any bad guys X-Men setting foot within 100 miles of them, so. A riddle.

"I'm getting too old for this shit."


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