Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ronald Reagan

In watching the State of the Union tonight, one thing to remember is that "Conservatives" love to roll their eyes and scream outrage whenever Obama either claims that the current economic downturn was inherited from his predecessor, or that it MIGHT take longer than 12 months to completely dig ourselves out of the worst financial toilet since World War II. Of course those same "conservatives," who live and breathe nowadays to create airports to name after Ronald Reagan, would definitely NOT want you to remember what Ronald Reagan (their personal version of Twilight)  himself said in HIS first State of the Union, in 1982:
Our current problems are not the product of the recovery program that's only just now getting under way, as some would have you believe; they are the inheritance of decades of tax and tax, and spend and spend.

Second, because our economic problems are deeply rooted and will not respond to quick political fixes, we must stick to our carefully integrated plan for recovery. The budget in place when I took office had been projected as balanced. It turned out to have one of the biggest deficits in history.
Gee. Sounds like a lot of "blaming the last guy" and "give me a little time." Hmm. Interesting.

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