Friday, January 08, 2010

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy

As brilliant as my musings on the Rudy video earlier were, I'd say the absurdity of what he says is actually more along the lines of something very sexily I wrote LAST YEAR:
There really is some psychological trick with the masses I do not understand, that which uses the single most unlikely scenario, the ONE tactic that defies the most logic, and it actually works without effort in convincing people that which is in fact the most unbelievable. And the more singularly unbelievable the scenario is, the closer it hits like that tiny target inside the Death Star, and the more people somehow buy into it. It's like running against Ted Kennedy and claiming he wants to authorize presidential assassinations. Fascinating. Brilliant if pulled off, but certainly no way to run a country, is it?

In other words, he's doing it cause the shit works.

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