Monday, January 11, 2010

Sniffy Wiffy

Andrew Sullivan has posted this old video of Sarah Palin doing the sports at some local Anchorage tv station. I guess we're supposed to be snarky about it. I have no idea if it's bad, but it's not good; it's certainly a lot duller than you'd imagine her.

But as I start watching I'm kinda figgering the video would be from, I dunno, early-mid 90's, or whatever. Then I start to notice some of the names of the basketball players. Gary Grant? Wtf, I think. This has to be like 1987!  Then at the end of the clip we go to spring training, and she mentions the upcoming 1988 baseball season, so we know between her college b-ball tournament timelines and spring training, we know the video's from around late Feb/early March 1988. A quick trip over WikiPalin shows us that Palin graduating college in...Dec 1987!!!! And 2 months later, she had a fucking sportscasting job on an Anchorage tv station!??!?!? What? I'm sure that in the business that's fairly low-level, but for someone straight outta college like that? Is that right? What the fuck???

1 comment:

SDC said...

That hair is straight outta the 80s, I will say that much.