Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Transparent Nonsense

Obviously, the whole "We demand that Congress televise the entire healthcare negotiatons in the name of transparency" bullshit is complete fucking stall-tactics, obstructionary nonsense, set up to collect as many "GOTCHA!!!" moments as possible for each side of the aisle from the many pocket Constitution lawyers that seem to be springing up around the country like weeds. Ironically, of course, this would make it impossible for the lawmakers to do anything but preen in front of the camera trying to prove how much they love freedom, so anything "real" that has to happen will still happen while cuddled up in the men's room corner stall like usual.

The point is, I care less about how the sausage is made and more about getting the best sausage possible.

For you Teabaggers out there, I'll put it in terms you can understand. People love to gawp and stare into the back room as Krispy Kreme donuts are circling around on that conveyor, getting glazed (I do too)(I mean I like watching, not getting glazed down)(tho some of you ladies seem to like it, heh heh heh); a little peek behind the curtain, if you will. But this only happens because KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUTS ARE INCREDIBLE!!! If after you watched this little show you took a bite of a Krispy Kreme and it was cold and stale with rat fur stuck to it, you'd think "boy, these doughnuts really suck and were a complete waste of my time and money,"and you'd never go back.

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