Tuesday, January 05, 2010

WTF, Creepy-Style

Like I mentioned yesterday I watched Capturing the Friedmans last night. First of all, even though its the third or fourth time watching it, it's amazing that the more you watch, the less you seem to understand. Also, nobody points out that the whole reason the doc began was cause the older brother is the most successful clown for children's parties in NYC. Nobody ever says wait a minute...with his family's history, this guy got into the kiddie entertainment business? REEally? And nobody questions this?

Most of all, I found myself scrolling online for info, and came upon an interview with Jessie Friedman, the youngest brother who served 13 years for fucking little kids (allegedly - xmastime eds.) Not only is he married now, but at the time he had a girlfriend, and when the interviewer showed surprise at this, he said oh yeah, ever since the movie came out, I've met tons of women.

Really? Wtf? Is there NOTHING you can do that gets you on tv/the movies that repel women?

"OMG!!! I saw you in that movie!! The one where you committed hundreds of acts of ritualistic rape on little boys!!!! We HAVE to go out!"
"Well, I'm meeting up with my boy, OJ."
"PERFECT!!! I'll get my girlfriend to come with!!!"


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