Friday, January 15, 2010

Xmastime Movie Review: Benny & Joon (1993)

Although Johnny Depp's amazing (duh), I can't say it's a good movie or not but it floods me with a feel. Middle of college, not a care in the world. Didn't hafta worry about money, had a girlfriend. Every day was autumn, as I picture it now. And we all lived in these humongous, dark Victorian-styled houses that had like 10 bedrooms, three living rooms the size of barns and big backyards; and we were all pissed it was $125/month. As Oscar "Borne to Be" Wilde said, youth is wasted on the young. But so is the absence of dread.

Bonus: never realized Xmastime Movie All-Star Oliver Platt is in it.

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