Thursday, February 04, 2010


If the Mets/Jets/Knicks ever actually won anything, the only reason I wouldn't hang myself would be a SLIGHT, TINY bit of happiness for WFAN's Joe Benigno , the consummate "guy that's been a fan of losing teams forever, and carries around a sense of doom it's palpable" guy. I could listen to him all day, what with his "is he serious?" Jersey accent (only he and BayonneMike can pull off "bro.")

My all-time favorite moment on Mike and the Mad Dog was a few years ago when Beningo appeared on the show, and he left even Mad Dog speechless with his walking them through his daily ritual before his show, which included showing up at 5am and then sitting in a men's room stall reading the sports pages for three hours. And his "cabbie who won a contest to be a guest host after being a caller for so long and then got his own show" tale is straight out of Hollywood.

Anyways, today they keep running a commercial with him pimping out those Vermont Teddy Bears, and since I'm still in a "Aren't I fucking awesome?" mood, it reminded me of a great post of mines.  Enjoy!

The last girl I liked mentioned these bears once, saying "if you get me one of those fucking teddy bears I will rip your balls off."


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