Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Bout Sums It Up

Via Sully:
Steve Benen reacts to the revelation that the shoe bomber was Mirandized - more so, in fact, than the undie bomber:
I know this reality is all terribly inconvenient for Republicans. Facts just keep getting in the way of a perfectly misleading narrative. But at this point, the GOP and its allies have a choice. Either they can explain why they were entirely silent when Bush handled the Reid case the same way Obama has handled the Abdulmutallab incident, or they can shut up and accept the fact that they've been acting like shameless, transparent, dishonest hacks. I'm especially interested in hearing Liz Cheney trash her own father's administration for the way it handled the case of an attempted terrorist attack. Go ahead, Liz, we're all ears.
Of course, I must be a socialist, non-asskicking pussy who spends my day clipping my hedges into the shape of Obama, complete with large voodoo-mesmerizing cock to worship. And I need to remember that the Bush years were some sort of Looking Glass Mirror in which nothing was real, and no consequences should be considered as existing.


Marley said...

Read. Learn. Reject thin and/or catty bloggers who tickle your "And another thing that's kind of make you go 'hmmmm'. . . " funny bone.

Xmastime said...

good, comprehensive article. which is what I thought the last time i read MAY

BOOM!! Xmas-tude, IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!

Marley said...

My bad. It must be ratings week, except WHERE ARE THE TITT-AYS?

Kiko Jones said...

And while they're at it they can explain why they felt our military leaders under Bush should not be challenged, but now they oppose the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs' views. Oh, wait--he favors repealing "don't ask, don't tell". Sorry. Carry on...