Friday, February 05, 2010

Bull. Shizzit.

Since Edwards was once "my guy," feel free to eyeroll over everything I say here.

But, just like how nobody seems to have a problem with Game Change being based on third-generation anonymous sources and rumors, I see that Andrew Young is sprinting from tv show to tv show to promote HIS tell-all book. And everybody interviewing is taking whatever he says as gospel truth. Incredible.

I mean, most of the stuff in the book is probably true. Yes, it looks like Edwards was a monstrous douchebag. And yet here we have a guy that once claimed paternity of Edwards' kid, presumably to protect Edwards and therein his own career as well. And now he's running around selling a book, presumably to make himself a bunch of money. And yet nobody that I've seen so far has asked "why on Earth should we believe somebody who was willing to be part of the paternity cover-up in the first place?" I mean, a few years ago this guy was willing to claim another kid to be his own so that the father could become president, and now we swallow up everything he says without even blinking? Really? It's incredible. It's as if the more batshitty things you write in a book, the more we treat it as the not-even-to-be-questioned truth. I mean, can I write a book detailing my Palin/Bachmann threesomes with Fozzie Bear, and go from tv show to tv show cashing checks?

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Nailed it, X.