Monday, February 15, 2010

Catching Up With Sistatime! (You Are Warned)

Just got off the phone with Sistatime! who, in a six-minute call while she was carrying groceries into her house up and down stairs, casually mentioned the various kinds of dudes in her life right now, including:

1) The Reruns - a rerun is an unthreatening sort of fellow, a nice dude who has taken Sistatime! out on a date before, but things never clicked romantically, but she enjoys their company from time to time ie "if I'm bored and want a really good meal." In general they do not bother her, unlike

2) The Strays - dudes that she's gone out with that, since she gave them an ounce of attention at one time, refuse to go away, "Like an abandoned cat you were once dumb enough to feed." No matter how many times she ignores their efforts at communication, these people refuse to "just go the fuck away already. You're an ass."

3) The Potentials - a new fellow, neither a Stray nor a Rerun, who, obviously, shows the Potential for being a "Mr. Sistatime!"  Preferably older, more settled, good job. ie "has some fucking money."  Worlds sometimes collide for our young heroine, as with the current Potential, whom she met while at dinner with a Rerun, aka, "a suckah."

4) Shut Your Fucking Mouth and Take Off Your Shirt Guy - self explanatory. This gentleman is usually found at a bar by Sistatime! and her girls, "perhaps" while "in their cups."

Then we move on to her asking why I still don't have a girlfriend. "You have such a great personality!!" To which I say yeah, well, girls don't want personality, they want looks and money. Personality is icing on the cake.

Now, normally when I say this to a girl, it goes like this:

"You have such a great personality!!"
"Girls don't want personality, they want looks and money."
"WHAT!?!?  No, you couldn't be MORE wrong. Girls want someone with a  great personality that makes them laugh!!" etc etc.

Of course, with Sistatime! it goes like this:

"You have such a great personality!!"
"Girls don't want personality, they want looks and money."
"Yeah, true. Okay, gotta bounce, later!!"

Long Live Sistatime!  :)

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

I hope she's not one of the girls mentioned on this blog: