Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Fake Tuffness Make a Bloggah Wannah Hollah

Bill Maher at the Huffington Post a few days ago:
For example, why is the decision to have the trial of Khalid "Shake Shake Shake" Mohammed in New York a Democratic position, and not having it in New York a Republican position? Republicans are usually the 24 loving macho warriors. Isn't it the more macho position to be saying, "Damn right we're going to try them at the scene of the crime! We're going to make that bastard look at Ground Zero right out the window of the courtroom every day -- we're going to stick his nose in it like a dog who's made a mess on the rug: 'Look what you did! Bad dog! Bad!!'"?
Which is what I said almost a year ago (worth going to just for the Facts of Life pic):
Which in turn goes against the Right's tough-guy "Bring 'em On!!" persona. You'd think they'd give each of the detainees a gun and a plane ticket home, saying "I'll see you in hell!!", swearing if they so much as caught a whiff of trouble they'd walk to the desert themselves to kick their non Jesus-loving ass. But instead they're acting like the cast of the first season of The Facts of Life if a spider walked into the tv room. Terrified of men without access to weapons or communication who are locked behind sky-high concrete walls under the watch of people hoping to be given a chance to shoot one of them so they have something interesting to say at dinner parties. Hey, they might be evil people, but they're not fucking super heroes with super powers. So far all we really know is that they're good at getting into flight training schools (in Florida, of course) and playing on the monkey bars. 
Just like the faux-deficit hawks, Republicans' balls sure seem to shoot up into their stomachs when it's time to actually DO something, don't they?


Anonymous said...

So you're bragging about sharing an opinion with Bill Maher now? Wow. That might be a new low. Why not admit the Democrats came to their senses and leave it at that?

Xmastime said...


i get what you're saying; as to expound on that thesis please goto http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Kac9jxGkbe4/SWnxD_Thm6I/AAAAAAAAASw/aLapUNF-LU8/s400/nom-nom-nom.jpg


Marley said...

Give the man credit. Even as he claps his own meaty paw on his back, at least he didn't type "Yglesias" or "Sullivan."

As for the sentiment he shares with Maher, it's necessary.

Xmastime. 0% position, intellect, or coherence.


Xmastime said...

and in your face, America!!! :)

Marley said...


"I don't know squat about shit, but riddle me this? Why is it all these warmongering, Bible-thumping, gay marriage denyin' hillbillies act all tough until, you know, there might be an actual terrorist in their midst?"


"I never fought in war.

Don't know much 'bout history.

But you can suck the cock and do my shootin' for me.

Jes' saying."


"You know, the thing that must be tought about Obama is that he's so much smarter than normal humans. He's like John Travolta in that flick where he gets smart as shit and then he's dumb later, but Obama was never dumb (snort - like Palin dumb) and I'm jes' saying he never will be."

Xmastime said...

BLAMMO! In your FACE!!!!!!!

Marley said...


"The funny thing to me about Rush Limbaugh coming out saying that he hopes Obama "fails" is did anybody who isn't a DittoHead hear as much from this fatass in the eight years Bush was president as we have in the 2 weeks Obama's been in the White House? No. When was the last time Limbaugh was making so many headlines from yammering? When Clinton was in office.

It's also funny that so many Indians work at 7-11. Isn't it?

So obviously when Rush says he hopes Obama fails, he means he hopes Obama stays in office 2 terms and then is followed by another Democrat. You know, I haven't had a girlfriend in a long time, but I remember spending a lot of time listening to her say the opposite of what she meant, and I was supposed to figure it out.

Rush Limbaugh: The Right's Girlfriend. Congratulations, sweetheart!

Indians - always working at the 7-11. Like the Simpsons.

'Jes sayin'.

Xmastime said...

hey, my parents still cant figure out how to fix the clock on the vcr, probably cause they're fucking red state idiots who dont want healthcare reform!!!

BOOOOYAH!!! in your FACE, yesterday's America!!!! (high fives)

Marley said...


"Just like this guy on Craigslist is saying. Government is not going away (duh!). Taxes are not going away (sheesh . . .. I mean, 'jes sayin'). Quit demanding for your life to suck more than it already does. And while your 'throw the bums out!!!' line may play well at your barbecue, I promise 'the bums' are laughing at you.

Especially the Indian ones who work at the 7-11."

Xmastime said...

(doing moonwalk/dancing like Leslie Neilson behind the plate in naked gun)