Thursday, February 25, 2010

From IllWill, Xmastime's Biggest Fan, yet Smallest Brother

ig brothers are around for 2 reasons. To beat the shit out of you, making sure you know that nothing you do or say is right or cool. And in moments they will never admit to, offer advice that can absolutely change you direction and views. Realize however, that the advice is never to not listen to them as they may be wrong about you being a faggot.

There is a bit of an age difference and I am a TAD bit younger then Xmastime, (a gentlemen nor a younger brother has no place revealing that his 2nd oldest brother is 12 years older then him). Even someone like the Unibomber knows it just aint right to beat up on someone so little. And with glasses. And who had the voice and mannerisms of the most lady like of girls. So really in the few and fleeting moments Xmastime and I did interact, he always knew what to say to make me laugh or realize, wow, I may not be the gayest/dumbest kid around.

And since I am my brother's brother, let's go back to October 2002. Senior year at New Kent High School, New Kent Virginia. I was not able to grace the halls of Essex High School with my presence because when it came down to entering high school, the school board sat down and said simply, "hereos come and go, but legends never die" which I took to be about Xmastime. I took that as my cue to look elsewhere for my public school education. Looking back, they did seem a little drunk and maybe they just really like baseball movies, but like my vision, hindsight is 20/20.

ANYWAY...back to me. I get a call from Xmastime, which he can admit, we don't talk nearly enough, and back then I know he would just go through the motions. So of course I was ecstatic. After the quick hellos were over, he goes "So I hear ya have a girlfriend". He was right. Senior year was the tits. New car, went to the state championship in football and just general ballyhoo. Trivia: which Wilson is the only Wilson to NEVER have a team more time MISS the playoffs? Another one: Who is the only Wilson to ranked in the state for ANY sport (15th fastest time in the state) Wow, this is fun, who is the only WIlson to register a tackle in a state football championship, and not at the single A level in which even Corky could get some pt?

BACK TO ME. So I jump in....."Oh yeah she is the be......." End of me. Xmastime goes into a personal anecdote about his high school sweet heart/obsession of years to come. "Ah young love....." I don't remember the whole story because I had to put the phone down to finish homework, use another phone to call said girlfriend, get the 8 hours of sleep a backup to an all state d-back needs, wake up, go to school, go to football and cross country practice, get my haircut, drive home, have dinner with the family, take care of more homework, watch the film Gettysburg but by the time I picked up the phone (which had turned into an iPhone) he was winding down and said "first love, its the best. there is nothing better in the world then that feeling. No drug, game winning TD, or anything else feels better. She may dump you after this call (makes sense, it had been days) or you will marry her, but appreciate every moment". I of course only heard "You will marry her". Obviously things didn't work out. There is only so much romance one woman can take, Especially at that age. Of course I was heartbroken, but not bite your fist and have you best friends mommy comfort you while even she had a look like....what the fuck, how can someone be so gay? And who gives me a ring? Xmastime. "Ah heartbreak...." I immediately went back to the week long first love conversation and thought fuck......better talk to the registrar's office about the 6th year plan. "Fuck it, here loss. You're in college, there are 8233240834 girls that will want (and eventually did because...I am my brother's brother) bang you. Have fun in college brah! I remembered college and being in a fratern......" And in May of 2008, one year longer than it takes most, Xmastime finished that call and I had a diploma and was living in Denver, Colorado.

See his advice changed but was right both times. Not just sort of right, but completely right. We are all the biggest fans of Greg. You all get to see him everyday in NYC and I through the years have seen and gotten to know him better. I know it's tough when you are so much older but he really did make the best effort to get to know me. We also know heartbreak can be devastating. But with a big brother like Greg, no matter what you do or say, he may make fun of you (if he thinks you can take it) but there is no one on this planet more fiercely loyal then he. Through the years while never being at my side, Greg has had my back. Took to long in college? "Who cares....STAY THERE". Little trouble with the law? "AH brah! We all fuck up, your safe and we love you. Moving to denver? "Denver?! What the fuck I'll never see you. Well, I guess it doesn't matter since I live 4 states away and don't see you". The man has a way with words and once in his circle, you are set for life. People have laughed at his jokes for years, let him into their homes, even put their children in his care and no one has been disappointed. His money is your money, he will take his gout stricken body across town in a second's notice if need be. He will even give you the "Slice Come Plain Only" shirt off his back for you. Not many people, even me, can boast that.

So there it is. Why my brother is one of the best guys in the world. You don't believe me? Then you are an idiot. Just try giving him a call at the end of your worst day and see if you aren't having the best day after that.

Here you go Greg "Xmastime, Somehow, Amazingly, SIngle, Ready to Meet Your EVERY Desire" Wilson. Not only adorable, but sums it up.....

P.S. Ladies, I know what you are thinking. A younger, handsomer, Wilson brother? Hands off, I am taken. But still send me information because like big bro says, she could dump me tomorrow.

1 comment:

Xmastime said...

my eulogy!! ;)