Friday, February 26, 2010

IllWill learns a joke.....and it ain't in his pants this time.

Was just a young buck, still lived in Essex with the rest of the Wilson's and my days consisted of being Xmastime's wind up doll as he desperately wanted to get laid. Knowing all girls love a good joke, he taught me this one and had me repeat it to anyone and everyone.

Told in a scruffy, I work in the mines and by no means would ever vote for a black president voice:

So I walk into the barbershop the other day. I says to the barber. "How much for a cut?'

Barber man says "Dollar".

I say, "How much for a shave?

Barber man says "50 cents".

I say "SHAVE IT!!!!"

I have never once laughed at that joke nor received a laugh from anyone but Xmastime.


Anonymous said...

When she was about 8, my sister made up a very peculiar riddle which often gave pause.

Question: Mary went to the lake. Where did she go?

Answer: To the lake.

Anonymous said...

Are you Paddy-o's Daddy-o?