Friday, February 19, 2010

Is Sniffy Going to Lose Retarded Voters?

I don't know what part of the whole Sarah Palin/Family Guy thing is funnier. That she is not okay with a cartoon known for doing satire actually doing satire, but she is with Fatty Limbaugh doing it. Or that despite a campaign of "my kids are off-limits!" she had her daughter speak for her on her Facebook rant. Or that she got called to the carpet by an actual retard. Which to me would seem like the retarded pot calling the retarded kettle black. I mean, does anybody else catch themselves saying "hey hey, take it easy; she was born with only half a brain!" and it's in Sniffy's defense, not the retarded woman's?
Friedman says that the line was 'very funny,' that 'I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor,' and that her own mother 'did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.'"

Please, PLEASE fire back, Sniffy!!!  If my dream of having you engage in a Cameltoe Duel with Heather Thomas will never pan out, at least give me a scenario where you try to match wits with a retard!!!  PLEEEEEEEASEEE!!!!!!

1 comment:

Pops said...
