Sunday, February 07, 2010

Jessie Spano. Guess We Didn't Get Into Stanford, Did We?


Kiko Jones said...

In Chuck Klosterman's Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs he cites an interview in which Dustin Diamond is baffled by Elizabeth Berkeley doing the movie and how he feels it's basically just the exploitation of a kids show icon for simple titillation. (No pun intended.) Something along the lines of "let's go see this movie where the chick from Saved by the Bell is naked." (Who would've thought Screech would be the voice of reason, huh? Except he made a sex flick, so he's a hypocrite. Anyway...)

Unfortunately, for Berkeley, this horrible flick did not dive head first into the obscurity bin, but instead became a bad movie cult classic. Must suck to have that on your resume and have it be a bigger claim to fame than the crappy Saturday morning kids show which put you on the map in the first place. Then again, no one else who starred in that mess had their career take a hit like hers did. Of course, those folks had done decent work prior to Showgirls while she just had SBTB to show for hers, so...

Mr. Bad Example said...

C'mon, man, you're better than that. Jessie Spano wanted to get into Stansbury, not Stanford.

Gina said...

No,I believe it was Cantstanja U.