Saturday, February 06, 2010

Life: As Usual, It All Comes Down to Costanza

[Oven pings]
Vivian: You...very knowledgeable.
George: Well, I'm also an architect. Is that pastrami?
Vivian: Yes it is. I find the pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted cured meats. Hungry?
George: Very.
[They kiss and fall down to the floor.]
Vivian: Oh, wait...[Vivian turns the TV on.] Oohh...
George: Vivian!!

Beer nerd Brothatime!! passes along this - a beer named after George!  :)

The Costanza

OG: 1.058   Color: 8   IBU: 28   Alc by Vol: 6.2%
This amber colored ale is brewed with a significant portion of rye malt and spiced with caraway seeds. A bready malt center with a dry spicy finish. Pairs nicely with the most “sensual of the salt cured meats  - pastrami”

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