Saturday, February 13, 2010

Life Wasted

via Sully:
Scott Adams values knowledge of self:
I wonder if the most valuable knowledge you can have is the knowledge of what you're good at. For example, I doubt you are working at the very best job for your aptitude. We tend to drift into our careers. It's more luck than plan. But imagine if you were born knowing you had the natural aptitude to be the world's best brain surgeon, or guitar player, or graphic designer. On the flip side, maybe you thought you had more talent in some field than you do, and wasted a lot of time preparing for the wrong profession.
A somewhat recent discovery of mine is that I'm fairly shocked whenever I meet someone that knew what they wanted to do for a living, learned how to do it, and are now doing it. I'm in the midst of almost 40 years of absolute confusion - I have no idea what I've ever wanted to do, or what I'm good at, and to make it worse I never "drifted" into any holding place that paid me a bunch of money while I waited to find these things out. The walls are closing in; unless I re-invent the Post-It note I am fucking doomed.

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