Thursday, February 11, 2010


A week or so ago I promised you people I'd make more lists, so here's one.

From The Daily Beast's The Right's Top 25 Journalists

1) Chicks from the list I would do:
2) Chicks from the list I would not do: O'Grady/Baum/Noonan
3) Chick missing from list I would totally break in half with my dick: Coulter
4) Also would do: Every single "contributor" that shows up on FOX News. Camon. I'm surprised they're not in bikinis. Or with a bucket of hot wings.
5) Oooh, forgot about, but is my #1 I'd bang nuts on her face: Crowley

"He did? REEEEally??  Tell me EXACTLY what he said!!!!!! Don't leave out one word!!!!"

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