Sunday, February 21, 2010

Michelle Loves Mike

I just saw some of the Michelle Obama interview with Mike Huckabee; obviously she was there to talk about childhood obesity, and at the end she's very effusive re: how much of an inspiration Huckabee himself has been. Which I think is true - the dude did lose 100 pounds. I like Mike Huckabee, he's so nice and easy to like, he's a great guy, but unfortunately he would be a horrible president. But I think he does deserve credit for his honesty about weight loss:

Friday, January 04, 2008

Too Bad He's Such a Dipshit

From Mike Huckabee's Wikipedia entry:
Huckabee has publicly recounted his previous burdens as an overweight man: the steps of the Arkansas capitol from the entrance of the building up to the Governor's office were so long and steep that he would be out of breath and exhausted by the time he reached the top of the stairs; he secretly feared that he would be interviewed by media at the top of the steps, and that he would be unable to respond appropriately due to his overexertion and breathlessness.

Must say. That may be the single most honest thing I've ever heard someone say in public, much less a presidential candidate. Scared of reporters cause he's too fat to speak after climbing steps? Now that's fucking raw and open. Man.

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