Thursday, February 04, 2010

Oh God, There's Another Marley...YOU ARE WARNED!!

While it would be normal for you to think that Xmastime foe Marley lives on the coast of the river Styx as the bastard son of Scrooge McDuck and Satan, he actually has a pretty cool kid named Will who recently blew the roof off at his school's talent show, shredding his way through The Who's Behind Blue Eyes. No word yet on how long it took the janitor to pick up all the Wonder Woman underoos that were thrown at him, but here's a tip of the mukluks to young squire Will. Long may you rock, young buck!!  :)

"Yes, I'm very aware I'm a lot cooler than you."

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Speaking of covers, was this you or anyone you know?