Wednesday, February 24, 2010

People Xmastime Likes - And the End

guest post by MARLEY

And the End likes In the Loop, which is nominated for best adapted screenplay and deserves to win (it won't), so she's alright with me.

For those who haven't heard of it, In the Loop is a very funny comedy about the run-up to a fictitious war (clearly meant to be Iraq) and the involvement of US and British civil servants in the process, which includes vicious political jockeying, abusive message control, mendacious leaks and biting insults. It is the British Office on steroids with any political import taking a very back seat to smart, crackling and very funny writing.

Tom Hollander (Pirates of the Carribean, and scene stealing as King George in HBO's John Adams) is brilliant as a British minister out-of-his-depth and made a pawn, and James Gandolfini is also very good as an American general trying to slow down a march to war.

A taste.

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